Saturday, August 23, 2014

What is Literature? (Discovery)

Directions: answer these questions in a paragraph, and keep your response to 200 words or less. To you, what is literature? What have you experienced recently that you would consider quality literature? Why was it quality literature? How do you define quality? What have you experienced recently that you would consider low-quality literature? Why was it low-quality? How do you define low-quality? What did you see in our class on the 27th that you would consider high-quality literature, low-quality literature, and/or not literature at all? Why?

Ex. I think literature is anything written down that expresses someone's thoughts. I recently read a news article about the conflict in Gaza. It really made me think about what is going on in the East. It also made me feel really angry. I think it was quality, because quality literature should be something that makes its audience think and feel. I also read a comic strip recently, Beetle Bailey, and I thought it was low quality because I didn't understand the humor. I think that low-quality literature is something that does not appeal to a large number of people.

(this example neither reflects my writing style or my opinions, but it would be an acceptable response.)

Initial reply due before class on September 3rd.

Reply to classmate: ask a question for clarification on one or more of your classmate's answers to the blog questions. Questions are meant to provoke thought, so make sure that your question(s) is (are) well thought-out.

Ex. Do you think that maybe you aren't the audience for Beetle Bailey? Who do you think might be the audience? Do you think that quality depends on the point of view of the audience?

Extra Credit Opportunity: you can get an extra point of credit for responding to more than one blog, and/or replying to a classmate's reply (answer the question(s) put to you). You can earn up to five points of extra credit.

Ex. You're right. I'm probably not the audience for Beetle Bailey. It's probably meant for people who are in or have served in the military, and it might even be for an older audience. So, yes, quality would depend on the audience. The actual audience might see it as quality.

Reply to classmate due by 5pm on September 5th.

Note: all of my examples show a level of respect in tone. Keep your tone respectful.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


This blog will be a place for you to log your insight on your readings throughout the semester (a sort of online journal where the journal talks back). As you build an online academic community, you will gain greater understanding of various forms of literature. Online assignments are intended to encourage a freer forum for discussion and exploration of ideas.

Blogging is mandatory, as is respect for your fellow classmates. Each week, you will respond to a different prompt.

See the syllabus for the two different types of blog grading.

For this week's assignment, simply reply to this blog so that I know you are ready to get started.

Reply due by 5pm on August 28th.

  1. See D2L Newsfeed, under "Welcome!" for the Blogger sign-in process.
  2. You must be signed in to Google under a gmail account in order to post.
  3. Your blogging name must reflect your real name in order for you to receive credit (or you must sign your posts with your real name).
  4. Write your blog response in some kind of word processing document and then copy and paste it into the posting form for submission (Blogger is fallible and can lose assignments, but cannot be blamed for lost assignments).
  5. Spell-check, read-aloud, and edit your posts before submitting.
  6. No swearing. While the forum is meant to encourage freedom of speech, a certain amount of professionalism is expected.